They're not just to celebrate internally!
Every business has milestones - first year anniversaries, first 1000 Instagram followers, Owner or mascot birthdays; the list can go on. Well, if you are not building sales-driving marketing programs around these milestones, you are missing out!
Creating lifelong brand followers means you are consistently transparent and apprising of what’s happening at your business. Guests like to know about you and what you have to offer. A great way to really drive loyalty (and thus sales) is celebrating milestones not just internally, but externally with your guests as well. Creating engaging milestone marketing initiatives.
A no-brainer would be your first year anniversary of your restaurant or hotel. Yes, let’s celebrate with all the amazing staff and partners that helped you get to this point. But also do the same for your customers. They helped you get there too. Perhaps you want to have two celebrations. Invite your employees to an evening of great food, drinks and engaging party games. Be sure to add in your budget for memorable keepsake swag to gift them at the celebration.
Now, host a celebration for your guests. Create a completely separate “Happy Anniversary” marketing program with a unique menu with catchy anniversary item names, or create a mid-week stay promotion to help drive off-peak occupancy bookings. Be sure to offer some branded swag to your guests - functional branded swag is the advertising gift that keeps on giving, keeping your business top-of-mind. You’ll want to create collateral such as posters and table-topper signage that have “Did You Know” fun facts about the history of your business, and interesting news. You can even create a trivia game component to make your celebration that much more engaging with prizes such as a free midweek meal or specialty dessert.
There are many milestones your hospitality business can celebrate with customers that will help drive participation and sales. Here are some more think think about:
Chef’s work anniversary
Owner/ Chef’s birthdays
X amount of years at a particular location
A long-term FOH employee’s birthday
First 1000 Instagram followers
Mascot birthdays
New hospitality awards
A new GM or Executive Chef (Meet our NEW ____!)
If you're looking to grow your business through innovative milestone promotions and events, contact us for a complimentary assessment and implementation plan!